AllSurrogacyEgg Donation

January 28, 2025Surrogate Medical Screening: What You Need to Know
Written by the PSED Team

January 11, 2025Same-Sex and Gay Surrogacy: Yes! You Can Build a Family
Written by the PSED Team

January 11, 2025Gestational Surrogacy: What it is & Overview of the Process
Written by the PSED Team

September 03, 2023Choosing a Gestational Surrogate
By Dr. Vuk Jovanovic

Egg Donation
October 26, 2023Egg Donation: The Importance of Synchronizing Cycles
By Dr. Vuk Jovanovic

Egg Donation
December 03, 2023Uterine Preparation and Fertilization
By Dr. Vuk Jovanovic

Egg Donation
August 26, 2023How to Choose an Egg Donor
By Dr. Vuk Jovanovic

June 26, 2023The Cost of Surrogacy Treatment
By Dr. Vuk Jovanovic

August 24, 2015
Bakersfield, Our New Satellite Office
By Dr. Vuk Jovanovic